Monthly Archives: September 2008

I Think it’s Time for a Haircut

Disregard all the crap behind them. Don’t mind the goofy smile or the hair in the eyes. Try not to let the sweat, dirt, and chalk dust get to you. Just try to concentrate on the sweet brotherly love that is going on at this moment. Soak it all in, because it doesn’t happen all...

Decisions, Decisions

This is the sweetest little face we have. We have another sweet face, too, it’s just the bigger sweetest face. They look so much alike, it’s scary. We argue endlessly over baby pictures, and which one is Jackson and which one is Christian. I can always tell, but I understand the confusion. I wonder what...

My Perfect Saturday

First, can I just say that I don’t help with clothing selections on weekends, unless they are going some place where they must be presentable, and they usually are not. Otherwise, they dress themselves. Part of me wants to stop them immediately and send them back upstairs with guidelines in hand for something that matches,...