Monthly Archives: October 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Daddy, Happy Birthday to you!My poor Daddy has to have his birthday the day before our Halloween party, which unfortunately means I don’t have any time to dig up some embarrassing pictures of him to share. Wait… did he plan that?

Class Work

Sometimes I have assignments for the class I’m taking, and there are no kids willing or able to help me. I have to look for other subjects. So what do ya think? Picture worthy?Yeah, I like it better when they help me, too.It’s not as cute when it’s a Star Wars Clone. And their muscles...

Fair Post #3

The boys finally found a ride they could both agree on, but they needed Daddy to ride, too. I was worried at first that Jackson would get on there and figure out quickly, this wasn’t what he signed up for, but that didn’t happen. He smiled the whole time.Scott couldn’t even fit his head through...