Category Archives: Pregnancy

They DO Exist

While I was pregnant, I didn’t have the thousands of my usual crazy symptoms and cravings, which in retrospect makes sense. In fact, I only had two, one was that the smell of Lobster almost pushed me over the edge, and two, I could NOT get enough fruit. I mean I love fruit on a...

I Can Do It Myself

Oh my goodness, what is this??? I finally picked up my camera this weekend. Don’t be too shocked. It was bound to happen eventually. Just in time, Jackson wants a RipStik. We told him he should try out his brother’s to make sure he really liked it and felt like he was ready. The thing...

Loss for Words

Sometimes things don’t work out like you think they will, and it throws you for a loop and you don’t know what to say, or how to say it or if you even want to say it at all. This blog is the story of us, printed out in books so we can look back...

Let The Crazy Begin

My favorite foods are all seafood, lobster and crab being at the top of that list. We decided to go out to eat tonight for the first time since we’ve been here and I broke down and ordered lobster. I was excited. When they brought the plates to the table, I immediately got a whiff...